Mythbusting: 5 Myths About Mask Wearing
There are many misconceptions about mask-wearing. Today we want to bust some of those myths you may have seen floating around.

MYTH #1 Masks don’t work!
It has been shown that those countries that implemented mask-wearing earlier on during the pandemic, slowed the spread of COVID-19 transmission. Though surgical masks and PPE have been proven to be more effective, cloth face coverings and physical distancing will ensure that respiratory droplets contained and/or reduced.
MYTH #2 The virus is small! It will get through a cloth mask.
The virus lives in respiratory droplets that can be spread to others and on surfaces if you aren’t wearing a mask. By wearing a mask you prevent the spread of your own respiratory droplets, while also protecting yourself from the respiratory droplets of others.
MYTH #3 It is unconstitutional to mandate mask-wearing.
The U.S. Constitution 10th amendment highlights that state governments have the authority to regulate health and public safety. If emergency action is necessary, the state government can create mandates accordingly.
MYTH #4 I won’t be able to breathe wearing a mask!
Doctors and other healthcare professionals spend hours, days, weeks, and years wearing a mask. They not only breathe easy, they successfully and artfully work in some of the hardest conditions there are. If breathing in a mask increases feelings of unease and anxiety, we suggest wearing it in short spurts as practice!
MYTH #5 Homemade face coverings won’t work.
To be most effective, homemade masks should cover your mouth and nose and also wrap around the sides of your face while covering your chin. Wearing a face covering of any kind, homemade or otherwise, that can cover you in the correct ways will work in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.
For studies & statistics on COVID-19, head to
Kimberly Frodi, M.D., “Debunked myths about face masks,” Mayo Clinic Health System, July 10, 2020.
Intermountain Healthcare, “Debunking common face mask misconceptions,” Intermountain Healthcare, July 21, 2020.